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Jill Bulluck is a Certified Life & Relationship Transformation Coaches who are committed to serving ambitious Women of Faith to manifest the life they crave.  Jill focuses on preparing & positioning singles to Make the Right Choice and Treal focuses on Wives Who Win to achieve success in their marriage.  Jill and Treal are national speakers, authors of multiple books some of which are Best-sellers and founders of a global kingdom movement called Be Ye Transformed Networks and founders of the online community Be Ye Transformed Community.  Over the last eight years, Jill and Treal have worked with hundreds of women to make their life unrecognizable and to live unapologetically exactly  who God created them to be.

What is Be Ye Transformed Academy 2.0?

The #1 online Transformation Academy for Believers to Manifest Their Life & Relationship Dreams & Goals!

The beginning and end of you achieving realistic and specific life and relationship goals begins and ends with you.  During a period of 6 weeks, Jill and Treal will walk you step-by-step on how to set and achieve your relationship goals for 2022.

BYTA 2.0 is a experiential experience designed to provide you with transferable knowledge, skills, and abilities so that you can apply in real world situations as you seek to establish and maintain reciprocal, meaningful, and healthy relationships; starting with you and then with others .  This is not another program that will dump modules into an online portal and tell you to have at it and wish you will.

The relationships goals that will be the foundation of this academy are the relationship with God, yourself, others and your money.  You will  have two accomplished coaches walk you step-by-step to develop a clear and concise goal achievement plan for your life and relationships.  
It Is Time to Manifest that Life & Relationship Goal you have been Craving for far too long!
Don't just take our word for it... see what others who have worked with us have to say....
"The course is very well put together. To the point with the information and it held my interest."  Shelly C.
Before participating in the program, I found myself not having much success in attracting the kind of happiness I desire that would ultimately lead to marriage.  During the program, I became more familiar with who I am and what I want. I received clarity on my life's vision and purpose so I can live and create a life that I desire.  My advice is if your having trouble with getting the results you want in attracting the love of your life you have to ask yourself is there anything holding you back, do I need to do to something different, and be open-minded in allowing a transformation coach who was once been where you are and understands she can help you navigate through the process of becoming the best you to create the life you desire and attract the love of your life.~Shelly C. 
I implemented all of my new changes, and I am feeling great! I really enjoy exercising and I’m excited to see my image and confidence transform. I am getting my WHOLE life... I'm super excited to see what happens next!"~Quiana R.
Working with [a transformation coach] has been the catalyst to me letting go of a four-year unhealthy relationship and becoming more aware of how I engage with men and people in general.  It wasn't until I completed the overcoming your fears session, I gained the courage to speak boldly with strangers about my real estate business. Now, I am more confident in every area of my life and I am excited about what is next!~Sharron

Update 2021, Sharron is now married to the love of her life!
In this 7 Week Academy, You Will Get to 7 Modules,  30 +Lessons

7 Week Be Ye Transformed Academy (Self-Development track)
Six (6) Modules, 30+ Lessons
Twelve (12) Months Unlimited Access
Seven Weekly Group Coaching Sessions
Private Online Support Group

VALUE $4,997

Bonus #1: 40 Day Lifestyle Change Challenge (Over 40 Personal and Spiritual Development Training Videos) Value $497
Bonus #2: Elevate Your Life Annual Conference  Ticket Value $497
Bonus #3: Seven Weeks Live Coaching Sessions $1997
Bonus #4: Exclusive Interviews with Top Experts Value $997
Bonus #5: Access to the Emotional & Spiritual Healing Academy Value $497
Bonus #6: 12-months bi-weekly access to Coaching and Accountability Session Value #$1497



                                                                                          CLASS AGENDA

Module 1: Mindset |Train the Brain

  • Lesson 1: Clarity of Thought
  • Lesson 2: Guarding Your Gateways
  • Lesson 3: Eliminating Negative Self-Talk and Avoiding Self-Sabotage
  • Lesson 4: Stimulations/Props
  • Lesson 5: Affirmations

In this module, you will learn how to identify and get rid of self-defeating, self-sabotaging, and negative self-talk and thoughts.  Thoughts that have been embedded into your mind due to circumstances, situations, or toxic people that have had influence over your life.

Module 2: Being Spiritual Led and Not Emotionally Driven

  • Lesson 1:  Defining & Understanding Christianity
  • Lesson 2:  Spiritual Discipline
  • Lesson 3: Manifesting the Fruit of the Spirit
  • Lesson 4:  Identifying and Activating Spiritual Gifts
  • Lesson 5:  Spiritual Application

In this module, you will learn how to actively and strategically apply biblical principles to everyday life decisions and choices.  You will identify and learn to embrace your emotions without allowing them to control your day, month, or even year.  You will be able to safely process your emotions and learn new ways to cope with unexpected life and relationships.

Module 3: Root Up the Roots: Origin of Your Personality & Evolving to the Next Level

  • Lesson 1:  Secure Attachment
  • Lesson 2:  Family of Origin
  • Lesson 3: Defining Self through Family Ties and Bonds
  • Lesson 4:  How Spiritual Growth Influence Behavior
  • Lesson 5:  T.H.I.N.K. Before you Behave

In this module, you will be able to make the connection between who you are and where you came from.  You will be able to identify root causes that have negatively or poorly influenced your thoughts and behaviors over your lifespan and in turn establish healthier lifestyle habits and behavioral patterns that will lead you to fostering healthier lifestyle and relationship choices.

Module 4: Emotions Under Control

Lesson 1: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Lesson 2: The Anatomy of Emotional Hijacking
Lesson 3: Identifying Your Temperament
Lesson 4: Cost & Consequences of Emotional Illiteracy
Lesson 5:  Understanding and Optimizing Your Emotional Well-being

In this module, you will learn how to become emotionally alert without being overwhelmed or overtaken by your emotions.  You will learn how to identify and manage both positive and negative emotions responsibly and respectfully.  As a result, you will become a better steward of your emotions as you effectively relieve stress, communicate, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse unhealthy conflict.

Module 5: Taking Self-Love to the Next Level

  • Lesson 1: Characteristics of Love
  • Lesson 2:  Identifying Self-Sabotaging behaviors
  • Lesson 3:  Rooting out Shame & Guilt to Embrace Self-Love
  • Lesson 4:  Love is not an Emotion
  • Lesson 5: Create Personal Love Map

In this module, you will learn how to let go of habits, behaviors, and actions that stripped you of your energy, self-love, and self-respect.  You will be able to identify self-disrupting habits that have led you on a path of not putting you first.  You will finally be able to say yes to you with zero regrets and resistance.

Module 6: Trust Thyself, Love Thyself and Take Your Confidence to the Next Level

  • Lesson 1: The Cost of Indecision
  • Lesson 2: Overcoming  fear, doubt, and self-limiting beliefs
  • Lesson 3: Identifying Subtle Signs and Patterns
  • Lesson 4: Discerning the Voice of God
  • Lesson 5: Exercising to Build Your Trust Muscle 

In this module, you will be able to nurture and cultivate self-trust, love, and confidence by forming new habits and embracing your transformation process.  You will get in tune with your inner wo/man to ignite and foster healing, wholeness, and freedom. 
***PAY-IN-FULL BONUS One-on-One Jump Start Call***
Le'Erica Richards, Speaker and Published Author: As it pertains to my passion and purpose I've known my goal was to finally complete my book and my launch business. I was told last year by a someone to "down-size" my goal if it scared me?!? However, last night it was confirmed that our God given purpose and goal IS bigger than us. I wasn't told to downsize my dreams but to draw closer to God, I was given practical and Godly advice to succeed... Thank you for your words wisdom and advice.  This year I will be strategic, God centered, purposefully working to manifest my God given passions and purpose
Shauntay Dunning, Network Marketer:  "I really enjoyed the Goal Achievers workshop. I received a lot of valuable information.  It helped brought vision to my define purpose. Especially, writing out my main goals for the four quarters of this year. The first quarter will be based on Self Love: Putting me 1st. Learning how to say no and having some me time or even taking myself out every now and then. This information was very powerful and I can already feel it transforming my life! Thank you Queens Jill and Treal!"
Rolanda Phyllis, Kingdom Woman: This is my year! Last night I was part of Goal achievement workshop. I have clarity on my vision.  I have clarity on my spiritual growth. Now I have [bigger] dream because of this awesome workshop! I have a lot more clarity about [my purpose]. I realize that [some] people will not understand but God is going start pushing some of these people out of my life.

100% Risk-Free with my 10-day money-back guaranteed. Just show us you put in the work by completing the daily assignment and if it doesn't meet your expectations, you get your money back. God called me to help women and a few good men on their singleness journey to not just attract a mate but to attract and keep the right person and I am 100% confident I can help you do that. I totally changed the way I dated in last than 6 months and attracted the love of my life and I want to help you do the same thing! If you are committed to following my lead, let's make your dream of true love, a reality!
Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the Deadline to sign-up for the Be Ye Transformed Academy?
This special offer expires on the date listed on this page. 

I Want In! When Will I Get Access to training?
Great! Once you checkout, you will get routed to the membership portal. If you have any issues access the content, you can click forget your password or email us at customer@beyetransformednetworks.com

When will this academy open up again?
We offer this program once a year and this is the second time we have offered this course. If you need to manifest a healthier lifestyle and relationships, we encourage you to invest today. Your destiny, future marriage, and happiness depends on it.  Next year this time, you may lose your motivation and you will be in the same place next year this time if you do not decide to do something differently and get the support you need.  Stop thinking about it and be about it!

What is the investment to sign-up?
Former students say our program is is valued over $8000!!! But you have divine favor, and you are part of the Kingdom fam, so your investment is only $997 pay-in-full or three monthly installments of $397!

Register Now!
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Contact Us: 443-302-9272  P.O. Box 2161 Upper Marlboro, MD 20773